Projects and information on the world of Renewable Power + Off Grid Systems .... Website links: rudgeenergy.co.uk & offgridsystems.co.uk
Friday, 17 August 2012
Seaton Hospital press release

Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Solar Trade Association says it like it is

Sunday, 22 July 2012
10kw turbines add up to the best option

Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Photo Competition Winner

We had a massive response from loads of our customers, and all the images were of a high standard, some were outstanding!
The initial idea of having a lead prize and a couple of runner up prizes was soon replaced with more M&S tokens as the level of quality was quite high.
The winning photo, which will appear on the main page of our website fitted the remit nicely of a punchy image to be used on our website. Pictured is Mr Mitchell, the winner, with a copy of the winning photo and his new (still boxed) iPad which should keep him busy for hours!
Friday, 15 June 2012
Another RNLI PV installation completed
Using the excellent Speed Rail system with Suntech modules, we have provided the customer with an excellent system with a payback rate of return of 14%, without having to use 'budget' low efficiency modules.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
New lower cost Immersion Switch!

After a recent bulk buy in components, we are able to price these popular power saving devices at an all time low price.
These low cost units are the answer to a using as much of your generated PV power as possible. Aimed at the household who have gas or oil water heating and out of the house all day. You've probably realised most of that PV generated power simply goes out on the grid with no benefit to yourself at all..
We know of some people who have tried putting timer units on their immersion heaters to switch on around late morning for a few hours. However, a moments thought comes to the realisation that on cloudy or low light days you'd be buying in far more power than you'd be generating.
Our Immersion Relay is the answer, it only switches on the immersion when your PV is generating enough power to run it... And to ensure its suited to most domestic installations, we provide a custom built replacement 1kw immersion heater to take the place of your existing 3kw unit, which means your PV will be heating even more water!
Click HERE to get all the information.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Off grid Pellet Boiler
Loads of people interested in Wood pellet boilers to replace their clunky and expensive to run Oil heating. Plus even more interest in our Wind Turbines, both 2.5 and 10kw.
Rain stayed off for most of the day, but we did suffer a little shower later on. Though our lovely and toasty warm demonstration pellet boiler brought people in to dry off and warm up!
Still 2 days to go.. Come and see us on stand 179, avenue C, near the sheep section.
Picture shows the boiler in action just after setting up. The ignition and blowers are run on 12v battery and an inverter, showing that these really low power units are ideal for off grid applications as well as standard domestic use. A 10kg bag of pellets at £2 will last all day ticking over. We are going to install one in the office ready for winter.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Devon County Show

Also on show will be a Skystream 3.7 turbine in the tent along with our brilliant invention that seems to be stirring a few people with a realisation that they can make even more money from their PV and Wind systems.. The Immersion Diversion Relay!.. We will have these for sale off the stand for ONLY £150, a massive Devon County Show sale price, down from the normal £190.
Come and see us on Stand 179, Avenue C.. Near the Sheep!
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Grand Opening of Bicton Earth
The weird part is that when the development of the centre was announced 18 months ago, we offered to support the project and donate equipment, PV panels, etc as we felt a project like this was just what the area needs... I still do!.. However, after an initial meeting and a small flurry of emails indicating our intent, etc. All contact broke off. We naturally assumed there were delays, etc. As we now see, the centre is completely built (and looks lovely), but they actually PAID a company to install the equipment, which will have left less in the budget for all the teaching stuff they could have bought.
Although Graham, who is running the show now & was not around at that point, is really pulling it all together and is ready to take on a bunch of C&G courses, (plus he's a really nice bloke), I am still feeling a little bad taste in my mouth over what went before him. I'd like to think our offer of FREE stuff was not snubbed, but I was looking at some of the installed gear that would have cost them thousands, and wonder if there was a level of incompetency or something else going on a year or so ago!
If your there on Friday, see you then, we'll be there, looking onwards and upwards. Graham has plans for the Earth Centre, and they are all good.. And despite the other stuff, I want to help him along, there is now some vision running the place now.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Film Sponsorship Deal for 2012
We have been inspired to support a group of local film makers starting filming their first major film right here in the East Devon area. See the press release below..

Friday, 27 April 2012
Using your excess generated power
To give you an overview, our unit is simply installed by your consumer unit (fuse box), where both your Solar PV (or wind system) is connected along with your immersion heater. When your PV/Wind system generates more than 1kW (or other setting of choice), it will switch on your immersion heater to heat water instead of exporting power out onto the grid.
For more information on our Immersion Heater Relay system, go to www.chrisrudge.co.uk/immersion.htm
Ideal for premises with Gas or Oil heating and a hot water tank with a backup immersion heater fitted.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Solar PV installation for Dorset artist

Such was the case for landscape and portrait artist Harriet Barber, who lives near the beautiful Lulworth Cove in Dorset, UK.
She and partner Dan wanted to offset their carbon footprint and escalating power bills and give them better options for their children rather than spend most of their income on paying power bills.
We took on the planning permission application paperwork for Harriet, which for people unfamiliar with the processes can be very onerous. This was all included in the cost, as we feel that any of our customers needing assistance in obtaining planning should be helped every step of the way.
Harriet simply gave us the go-ahead for the work, and we did the rest. Her, the family and her neighbours are extremely pleased with how its all worked out, together with the local planning office, whom like most we encounter are very helpful.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Speaking at Ecobuild

As it turned out, though I thought I was going to be right on time, it ran over and I sadly needed to miss out some stuff, so apologies to anyone who attended the packed room and needed more information. You can email me at chris@chrisrudge.co.uk for all the notes.
A kind person in the audience took a phone photo and posted to Twitter.. Thanks, I've included it here.
Monday, 2 April 2012
RNLI Press release
As the press release indicates, we had designed it to offset the vast amount of electricity the building uses to treat the water, run the wave machine, plus all the systems that a normal building of this size will not have.
Its really good to know the RNLI is moving to being as low carbon as possible to minimise their carbon footprint, something many companies are doing now without regard to profit. The systems simply need to be self financing without the past greed of big investors.
For the whole story from the RNLI CLICK HERE
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Government delay the RHI for another year!

In some element of compensation, the Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP), scheme has been extended in a phase 2 starting on April 2nd.
The original RHPP, which is just about to expire, has not been that successful, probably owing to both complexity and misleading terms used in application. For example, the 'Voucher' was not actually a voucher at all, and the email system failed to send out the information or vouchers to applicants. Lets hope this time they have a working system finalised!
For the full release from DECC, click HERE
Friday, 23 March 2012
Governments Supreme Court Appeal thrown out!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012
We are now an agent for Bergey 10kW wind turbines

These well established turbines offer a very good annual generation in reasonable wind speed areas, and even better in ideal 6-7m/s locations.
Call us for a competitive quote for either lattice tower or tilt over monopole options. We offer a friendly no obligation survey service.
We always offer our wind turbine customers a full planning service, all you need to do is sit back and we do all the applications for you!
Monday, 5 March 2012
Renewable Energy Marketplace
We will have a stand, displaying inverters, PV modules and wind turbine plus being on hand to provide information and advice to anyone interested in having Renewable Power installed on their premises.
Come and see us. It will be good to meet up with our existing and new customers.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Just a few days left.
Unfortunately, the answer has to be no as we have been fully booked through February since soon after Christmas. Its a shame this ridiculous situation has been thrust on everyone, but at least after March 3rd we will only have the April 1st Deadline to work up to!
For anyone who is not up to speed with the complicated series of events, this last chapter, before we settle down the new Government tariff, means that older houses with limited facility for insulation will effectively be excluded from generating their own power. From April 1st, all premises that have a renewable power system installed will need to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) to prove the premises complies to Band D or better.
For around 50% of UK premises, they will comply without modification, but many will need further insulation or energy upgrading.
On the upside though, a further fall in PV module costs for us now means we are able to install a 3.68kWp PV system from only £7995 inc VAT .. Unheard of only 6 months ago!!. This will be good news for many for whom solar PV will now make sense, even at the lower rate, as ROI is the same, if not better than it was before! Check out www.chrisrudge.co.uk/solar.htm
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
OFGEM release new Feed in Tariff table
Checking their website for updates, we came across the new table for after April 1st 2012.
You can download it HERE
Additional note from us 25th Feb, we see the OFGEM chart has been changed from the version seen prompting this post. The text at the top of the document has been added.
Amongst other things, for under 4kW systems, it indicates the new rate will be 45.4p for original 43p system owners. Also indicates that systems installed before 3rd March 2012 will be on the higher rate (43p now then to 45.4p).
Of course this may be a little error. But more likely its the official annoucement dropping in under the radar.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
DECC announce new rates
As expected, the rate starts at 21p a unit from 3rd March, and after 1st April, will continue at 21p, but in addition premises will need to have an EPC certificate for Band D or better.
After July 2012, the FiT rate will reduce to 16.8p or 13.6p depending on amount of PV installs during March and April. Then in October 2012, another 5% reduction. After this, every 6 months the FiT will be degressed by 10%. It has been estimated by DECC that PV components will reduce in cost by this rate, and the 10% reduction every 6 months will keep up! Along with the rest of the industry, we at Rudge Renewables really do not consider this to be the case!
You can see another window of opportunity has arisen to get a PV system installed and commisioned before 1st April, thus avoiding getting an energy survey, plus possible energy upgrades required.
For more information, the Ministers statement is HERE and The new FiT announcement is HERE
Sunday, 5 February 2012
A small state of limbo for solar FiT's
We assume that the new incumbent to this position, Edward Davey, will probably fulfil this stalling tactic.. But maybe he will not? There are only effectively 3 weeks for DECC to keep stalling to active the objective of stopping last minute 'gold rush', something the Solar PV industry as a whole is of the same mind over. A last minute rush will force DECC to drop the FiT's to a far lower level than 21p.. Disaster!
See the DECC release HERE where Edward Davey indicates his support for a growth in Green Industry jobs. Lets see....
Monday, 30 January 2012
The long wait
There does seem to be a lot of publicity indicating the FiT WILL be back to 43p until 3rd March! This is clearly untrue right at the moment!
If you are considering having a PV system installed, assume you will be paid 21p until officially announced otherwise. A lot of rogue installers are telling people the higher rate to obtain a fast buck, they will have ceased trading by the time you make a claim!
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
A potted version of todays events
There is still some uncertainty about rates paid on installations fitted between 12/12/2011 and 3/3/2012 because it is not yet clear whether the Government will allowed its appeal. However, the minimum tariff that people installing in this period will get is 21p, and if Government’s Appeal is unsuccessful or should they decide to withdraw it, then they would get the 43.3p rate (for a sub 4kW system).
The process going forward is that Government has formally asked the Appeal Court for permission to take this matter to the Supreme Court. This however does not necessarily mean Ministers have decided it will do so - at the moment they may simply be keeping the option open. The Appeal Court judges will make a decision on whether to grant permission in the next few days - if it is granted, the case can go to the Supreme Court. If permission is refused the Government would still have the fall back option of applying to the Supreme Court itself for permission to appeal. But this would add a further step in the process - and at each step the chances of success for Ministers recede a little further.
DECC appeal overturned
But the short version, at this point, is the Governments appeal was overturned leaving systems installed till 3rd March open to be getting 43p (for up to 4kWp). After that 21p (over the 25 year period)
However, DECC have announced they will try and appeal yet again, even though they have NOT been given leave to appeal.
For the Independants report of todays decision HERE
For more resource, see a copy of the whole decision on the Guardians website HERE
For Chris Huhnes response HERE
If you have not booked a PV installation by now, get it installed ASAP, or forever lose out on the old high rate that will be gone... forever!
Thursday, 19 January 2012
And finally, the final version from DECC
It has been backed up by a Ministerial statement by Greg Barker HERE which puts the decision into context and appears to show a support for the Renewable energy sector.
Both Solar PV industry and customers can breathe a little easier now, as we have definate decisions from the Government, though this may mean a mini rush for system installations during February, that should not affect the Governments budget too much which will leave them able to continue with a reasonable 21p rate after April.
See reproduced table below:
Band (kW Declared Net Capacity (DNC) | Current generation tariff (p/kWh) | New generation tariff from 1 April 2012 (p/kWh) |
≤4kW (new build) | 37.8 | 21.0 |
≤4kW (retrofit) | 43.3 | 21.0 |
>4-10kW | 37.8 | 16.8 |
>10-50kW | 32.9 | 15.2 |
>50-100kW | 19 | 12.9 |
>100-150kW | 19 | 12.9 |
>150-250kW | 15 | 12.9 |
>250kW-5MW | 8.5 | 8.5 |
stand alone | 8.5 | 8.5 |
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Yet another update on the FiT situation
We have been getting quite a lot of phone calls from people asking about the current situation with the Feed in Tariff while the Judicial Review appeal is in progress.
As can be sen from todays update email from RegenSW (below), if you have a system installed beween now and April you will get 21p a unit (which still works out at 9% return at the new install costs), and you MAY be in with a chance to get 43p a unit if the JR appeal does not come out in favour of the Government. If you leave it till the decision date, in early Feb, to get a system installed, you may be already too late as installers schedules will be filled by booking a system to get in before April's reductions.
News From REGENSW..The latest round of the legal battle over the FiT on Friday has led to yet more delay over the future of scheme with the judges indicating they could take weeks to come to a decision on the government's appeal (our prediction on Friday of a conclusion this week now looks rather too hopeful). So where does that leave us?
Sunday, 15 January 2012
DECC's appeal. Still awaiting a decision!
All text below reproduced from Solar Trade Associations press release.
DECC was in the Court of Appeal today to request leave to appeal the High Court’s ruling of 21st December which concluded that its handling of the FITs review was unlawful. The judges failed to reach a decision today so we will not know whether DECC will be granted an appeal until next week at the earliest. DECC has just published the following statement in its website:
“The Court of Appeal has not yet decided whether to give permission for an appeal or made a judgement on the FITs case. The Court will wrap up the decision on permission for an appeal and a possible judgement if an appeal is allowed in the next few weeks. Once the outcome is known we will consider our options and make an announcement on the way forward to provide clarity to consumers and industry."
There is considerable level of uncertainty since the FiT Consultation was launched. The legal case has exacerbated this situation. The outcomes, although still uncertain, may lead to very different tariff scenarios.
· If the Government is not granted leave to appeal, the Consultation would be declared unlawful and the cuts would be nullified. Sources in the Court indicate that this is unlikely.
· If the Government wins on appeal, we are where we were before legal action began, ie the Government will consider all responses to its consultation proposals, including the proposal that a domestic system (up to 4 kWh) can expect to earn 21p from 1st April 2012.
· If the Government does not win on appeal, then the 43p tariff could remain in place for all registered installations until the Parliamentary process has concluded (expected to be 1st April 2012, possibly earlier).
The Association will send a communication to members as soon as any announcement is made. For more details please click here
Saturday, 7 January 2012
DECC issues assurances for PV customers
- If the Government wins on appeal, we are where we were before legal action began, ie the Government will consider all responses to its consultation proposals, including the proposal that a domestic system (up to 4 kWh) can expect to earn 21p from 1st April 2012.
- If the Government does not win on appeal, then the 43p tariff remains in place for all registered installations until the Parliamentary process has concluded (expected to be 1st April 2012, possibly earlier).
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Ayes are on the right, But DECC swings to the other side

As indicated before Christmas by Uncle Greg Barker, theGovernment have appealed against the High Court decision in December that the Government decision to drop off the FiT before the end of the consultation period had elapsed was illegal.
Anyways, the upshot is for potential owners of PV systems, and people who have installed after 12th December, that the worst that can happen is that your system will attract 21p a generated unit for the next 23 years. (We are already 2 years into the 25 year scheme), which works out on Rudge Renewable install costs a 9-10% ROI. (be aware of those 'double glazing sales' based companies)
Of course the other worst that can happen would be holding off having an installation waiting for the magic (and some (Greg) may say greedy), 43p to reappear, possibly at the end of January. By then, as we are finding, speculators are already booking installations anticipating the very short time period of 43p, which will soon revert to a lower rate.
The industry feels that if the rate is 'forced' back to 43p, the Government will deem this as Busting the Budget and will almost definitely drop the rate thereafter to a very low rate, such as 9p to compensate..