In a strange change of direction after reducing the Solar PV Feed in Tariff a few weeks back, DECC have today announced details of the Green Deal, see press announcement
hereThis new incentive will enable people to to install all sorts of energy saving
measures to their house at no up front cost. These hopefully will include solar PV, solar thermal and heat pumps which we can supply for you! Though these technologies may only get included in the RHI, (see below).
The Green Deal is currently going through a consultation till January, so you have an opportunity to have some input. Download the full document
here. It looks like a scheme for more long term debt?
We are now eagerly awaiting the details of the long awaited RHI re-write, possibly going to be announced in the next few days. This is what people have been waiting all year for, as we will know definitely what our new Solar Thermal, Heat Pump and Biomass systems will earn, which in turn will enable to you decide the viability of having one of these technologies installed. We'll keep you informed.