We are now an official Green Deal Installer. This means our survey, quotation, installation and certification systems have been upgraded to comply with requirements for the Governments new Green Deal incentive.
The Green Deal has been designed to enable people to have the cost of insulation, renewable energy and other energy saving products installed on their homes with long term finance attached to the electricity bill in affordable payments.
With the power prices soon to start ramping up, this scheme has been launched to enable people to bring their energy bills down as much as possible. Energy costs that are just about affordable now could soon be too high to be easily affordable.
For more information on the Green Deal and how to get a free assessment and Green Deal Providers, go to
Unfortunately, we have backed out of the Renewable Heat aspect of Renewables and will no longer be supporting the Green Deal installation scheme. As the GD Scheme has evolved, obscene interest rates have become apparent, which will hit the people less able to afford the eventual high cost of a system.